PF Awareness Month

Thank you for a successful PF Awareness Month!
Each September, join with those who have been impacted by pulmonary fibrosis worldwide to unite for Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month (PFAM)! In 2024, the theme was “Every breath, every story” and we showcased how you, the pulmonary fibrosis community, stood together in the fight against this disease.
Beginning September 1, the PFF posted content every day on social media. Your likes, shares, and comments were the main driver of boosting our content to reach new audiences all throughout the social media landscape.
If you missed out on PFAM this year, it's never too late to get involved on social media. One of the first steps you can take is to follow and interact with us on our social media channels. Find us online with our handle @pfforg on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Join us in September again as we stand together to raise awareness of pulmonary fibrosis.
Keep reading to learn about the different ways YOU can take action in September.
How to get involved
Participate in PFAM by joining us for as many activities as you can. Read more below!
Get informed: Follow the 30 Facts In 30 Days series
One of the best ways to spread awareness about pulmonary fibrosis is to
educate others about the impact of this devastating disease. Beginning on September 1 and through September 30, we'll post one daily fact about pulmonary fibrosis on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
This campaign provides trusted, medically accurate facts about pulmonary
fibrosis. A new fact is shared each day at 11:00 a.m. CT.
Help us spread the message far by liking, sharing, re-tweeting, and commenting on the 30 facts.

Share your story in the Portraits of PF series
Each day at 1:00 p.m. CT on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, the Foundation will post a written story and photo from people living with PF, caregivers, transplant recipients, those who have lost a loved one, and healthcare professionals as a part of the Portraits of PF series on Facebook. These heartfelt stories help others understand the many journeys people affected by PF have experienced.
Strike the lung pose and send us your photo
Strike a pose! We invite you to take a selfie making the lung pose. To make the pose, join your second knuckles together and place them over your chest. This symbolizes the lungs.
Once we receive your photo, we'll drop it into this year's PFAM template and send it back to you. Then, share the story on your social media accounts to let everyone know you support the PF community.
Lung Pose photos are posted on the PFF's social media accounts each day at 3:00 p.m. CT.
Pictured: Vanessa from last year's PFAM Lung Pose series

Get a building or landmark to #BlueUp4PF
Take it one step further by getting a local building or landmark in your community to go blue in the #BlueUp4PF activity! If there's a unique building or landmark in your community that can shine blue at night, reach out to the building’s management and ask them to participate by changing their evening lighting to blue.
If you secure a building lighting,
be sure to let us know so we can share the news. Blue buildings will be shared on social media in the evenings at 7:00 p.m. CT during September.
On Wednesday, September 18, the PF community celebrates the fourth annual ILD Day! This year, a very special webinar presentation called The Journey to Diagnosis: Process, evaluation, and your care team was presented to a live audience.

Together toward a cure: National Walk Day
The PFF Walk unites the community in raising funds and awareness for the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. Join us as we walk together toward a cure virtually during Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month!
Bring the spirit of the PFF Walk to your own community. Start your day with an inspiring Mission Moment from the PFF and then gather your family and friends for a walk at the location of your choosing.
Customize Your Social Media Profile
Raise awareness on social media with a variety of downloadable images. Download these images to your desktop or mobile, upload them to social media, and tell the world why you are raising awareness in September. Need help? Consider using the following language:
This September, I am joining the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation. More than 250,000 Americans are living with pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease. There is no known cure. Join me this month and learn about this disease, help raise awareness, and make a donation to the Foundation at @pfforg #BlueUp4PF #PFMonth
Social Media Downloadables
I am a pulmonary fibrosis hero
I am a pulmonary fibrosis advocate
I am living with pulmonary fibrosis
I am a pulmonary fibrosis lung transplant recipient
I lost someone who lived with pulmonary fibrosis
I love someone who lives with pulmonary fibrosis
Zoom Background
Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month

Make a Gift
You can show your support to the PF community by making a donation to the Foundation. Throughout the entire month of September, the Foundation welcomes everyone who has been touched by the stories, facts, photos, and more to make a gift to help people everywhere who are living with pulmonary fibrosis.