The I.M. Rosenzweig Junior Investigator Award Winners​

The I.M. Rosenzweig Junior Investigator Award was established to encourage researchers to maintain and enhance their interest in PF research during the early stages of their academic career. 

The Albert Rose Established Investigator Award Winners

Created to allow established investigators to explore novel, innovative areas of research, the Albert Rose Established Investigator Award provides critical support to the development of new projects, and enables the investigator to pursue additional funding through the National Institutes of Health or other agencies. Two $50,000 grants are awarded per annual cycle, disbursed over a two-year period.

Ayodeji Adegunsoye, MD

Apr 19, 2021, 09:33 AM
Title : Ayodeji Adegunsoye, MD
First Name : Ayodeji
Middle Name :
Last Name : Adegunsoye, MD
Position :
University : The University of Chicago
Proposal Title : Impact of Race on Genetic Predisposition to Radiologic Honeycombing in Pulmonary Fibrosis
Proposal Funder : Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Dr. Adegunsoye is a Clinical Instructor in the Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care at the University of Chicago. He attended the University of Ibadan medical school in Nigeria, completed residency training in Internal Medicine at Drexel University, and trained at the University of Chicago Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Program. While working under Dr. Mary Strek and Dr. Imre Noth during his fellowship, Dr. Adegunsoye identified unique clinical phenotypes among racially diverse patient cohorts with pulmonary fibrosis. His current research focuses on utilizing genetic data from diverse races to improve the clinical decision-making process and outcomes for patients with pulmonary fibrosis.