
Nurses and Allied Health Network (CE/ANCC, pre-registration required)

Thu, Nov 07, 2019
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM CST

Location: Iris - Lily

  • Welcome - Pauline Bianchi, RN, BSN
  • Overview of ILD - Carolyn Spada, RN, BSN & Jennifer Hayes, RN, BSN
    • Definition
    • How do I recognize ILD in my patient
    • Symptoms/presentation
    • Outcomes
    • Major ILD categories
  • ILD Diagnosis - Wendi Mason, MSN, RN, ACNP-BC
    • Diagnostic workup
    • H&P
    • Exposure history
    • Outcomes
    • Serology
    • PFTs
    • HRCTs
    • SLB
    • Genetic testing and biomarkers
  • Challenges of ILD Management
    • Drug Therapy - Anne Turner, RN4, BSN, JD 
    • Oxygen - Susan Jacobs, RN, MS
    • Pulmonary Rehab - Karen S. Van Kerkhove, BSN, RN
    • Management of Comorbidity - Julie A. Porcelli, RN, MSN, CNL
    • Lung Transplant - Rebekah Edwards, DNP, FNP-C
    • Palliative Care - Kathleen Lindell, PhD, RN, ATSF, FAAN
  • Successful Management Strategies - Lori Flint, RN, BSN & Janell Reichuber, RN, BSN
    • Treat, transplant, trials, transition
  • PFF Updates - Pauline Bianchi, RN, BSN
Please note that this session's program is subject to change. Lunch is included.
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