Additional Details
The Hershey Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group
Maxfield Whitehead-Zimmers
CoordinatorResearch InterestsClinical Trials
ILD studies
Meeting topics are chosen based on the interest of support group members, and relate to all aspects of pulmonary fibrosis. Recent meeting topics have been: exercise and pulmonary fibrosis, sleep apnea, and palliative care. Future topics will include discussions on diagnosis, monitoring, and prognosis of pulmonary fibrosis. Each meeting also has time for members to raise questions and update each other on their life and their disease.
Meetings are organized by Max Whitehead-Zimmers, who is the Hershey Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group Coordinator and a pulmonary researcher at Penn State Hershey, and are attended by pulmonary physicians and other professionals in the field. We also regularly have guest presentations such as pulmonary rehabilitation therapists and exercise physiologists.
In addition to our informative meetings, our group also participates in several local events including the New Cumberland Apple Festival where we have a Pulmonary Fibrosis awareness stand and the Harrisburg Area Highmark Walk for Healthy Community where our support group’s team, “Sweet Lungs of Mine,” raises funds and spreads awareness for Pulmonary Fibrosis research.
For questions, or to be added to the mailing list, please contact:
Max Whitehead-Zimmers
Phone: 717-531-003 extension 286335
Email: mwhiteheadzimmers@
**Group offers Virtual Support Group Meeting, please contact Max Whitehead-Zimmers for more information.**